neck rejuvenation

neck skin rejuvenation

The neck is one of the main signs showing a person's true age. You can achieve ideal youthful facial proportions, but if you don't take care of your neck skin, it's all in vain. Wrinkles, folds, sagging skin on your neck can still tell people that you're nowhere near 18 or even 25!

Therefore, the neck is the area that needs to be combined with facial rejuvenation treatments. After all, the skin on the neck is thin and has the fewest number of sebaceous glands, so age-related changes tend to appear earlier than on the face.

Additionally, women's necks have fewer melanocytes (the cells that protect the skin from harmful UV radiation), which means it experiences more active photoaging.

Any suggestions to keep the skin in this delicate area in perfect condition?

Injection techniques for neck rejuvenation

Once the neck skin starts to thin, dry, and wrinkle, it needs to be replenished with hyaluronic acid immediately. This is done by:

  • Introducing fillers based on natural hyaluronic acid;
  • With the help of injectable skin restructuring (Biorevitalization, Mesotherapy).

For the rejuvenation of the neck area, specially designed low-density gels are usually used. While liquid formulations generally dissolve faster, this is not the case for the neck. Here, more liquid filler can contour better, maintain a beautiful filled shape, look natural and last a long time — at least a year. At the same time, there is no recovery period after surgery - modern fillers actually don't cause edema and other undesirable side effects.

Perfectly tightens the neck skin and a new generation of fillers to start producing its own collagen. For example, an innovative Dutch filler.

The effect of this filler in tissue is comparable to that of an installed thread, as both injectable fillers and modern thread components include ingredients such as caprolactone. It is a fully biodegradable soft medical suture that has been used in medical practice for decades with excellent results. In other words, fillers are primarily used to tighten tissue.

This filler does not absorb moisture, so it does not cause puffiness. Due to this unique property, it can be used on delicate areas such as the eyes, lips, neck, décolleté. Stimulates the production of type 1 collagen, resulting in velvety skin and an excellent lifting effect.

The drug strengthens the collagen framework and has a bio-enhancing effect, making the skin more elastic and toned.

The high-quality carrier gel eliminates "migration" of the implant and guarantees complete predictability and stability of contour results. This is a biodegradable filler, that is, it is completely excreted from the body at the end of its validity period.

For complex skin reorganization, procedures such as biological regeneration and mesotherapy are recommended.

Biorevitalization is an intradermal microinjection of a hyaluronic acid preparation. The procedure quickly restores moisture balance and normalizes the metabolism of the dermis.

For the procedure, use hyaluronic acid from non-animal sources. Once in the skin, it is broken down into simple components and immediately begins synthesizing its own hyaluronic acid. The main effect of this injection does not occur immediately, but occurs over time and is of a more long-term nature. After all, they do not replace natural synthetic processes, but enhance, accelerate and stimulate them.

The number of procedures and their frequency depend on the severity of the problem and how dehydrated the skin is (usually from 1 to 2-3 procedures).

Mesotherapy is a similar technique that simply microinjects a special "cocktail" of bioactive agents into the skin, the composition of which may vary depending on the problem being addressed. "Mesococktails" often contain vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, plant extracts and other valuable elements. Mesotherapy allows you to put all the active substances into the skin and help renew it from within.

Perfect for the revival of Plasmolifting in the cervical area. Our blood is known to have a powerful resource to restore and heal the body, we just need to activate that potential.

As a result, the skin becomes as elastic, dense, toned and radiant as when it was younger. Wrinkles, folds, age spots and other aesthetic imperfections disappear.

Laser technology for sensitive areas

Fraxel rejuvenation with the Fraxel laser device can be used as a stand-alone technique for neck rejuvenation or in combination with injections. American Fraxel is a unique device that renews the human skin and frees it from all imperfections. A thin (thinner than a human hair) laser beam creates thousands of micro-regions of influence (micro-thermal treatments) on every centimeter of skin. In these microdomains, old and defective collagen and excess pigment are destroyed. At the same time, many living cells remain around each exposed microdomain, which are activated under the influence of heat. During this process, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, flawless skin emerges at the site of each microzone.

A unique feature of Fraxel is that the laser does not damage the top layer of the epidermis - the stratum corneum. Therefore, after surgery, the skin looks natural.

After laser fractionation rejuvenation surgery, the structure of the skin has changed. It becomes smoother, hydrated, elastic and less prone to inflammation and rashes. Taking care of her at home just got easier.

Fractional lasers work finely on the skin, but the number of procedures depends on the initial data and the problem to be solved. Once a year is enough for one person, someone may need 3-5 sessions.

The result, youthful and beautiful skin, lasts for a long time.

Ultrasound for Non-Surgical Neck Lift

Unlike laser technology, which can only be used during periods of minimal solar activity (i. e. fall, winter and early spring), modern ultrasound technology is suitable for all season use.

They are comparable to surgical lifts, which as you know not only reduce stretched skin, but also muscle.

A non-surgical alternative to neck lifts at the level of the muscular system (at the SMAS level) is the well-known Altera therapy, which is performed on the Ulthera system in the United States.

Based on focused ultrasound, the device is able to penetrate to a depth of 6-8 mm under the skin, first reducing the collagen fibers there and providing a lifting effect, and then starting the process of forming young collagen. In this case, the skin surface is not damaged. About a week after the Altera treatment course, the synthesis of type III collagen (also known as young collagen) increases with its subsequent conversion to type I collagen, not only in the immediate areas of heat exposure, but also beneath them.

This has led to the development of non-surgical tissue lifting effects without damaging the skin surface. The maximum effect was seen 3 months after surgery.

A unique additional benefit of using ultrasound for skin rejuvenation is the ability to directly observe the dermis and subcutaneous structures in real time, thereby improving treatment safety.

As with surgical skin tightening, one exposure is sufficient. The results obtained can last from 1. 5 to 3 years or more, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Thread technique for neck rejuvenation

Ultrasound lifting using the filament technique is recommended for elderly patients. Use self-absorbing thread. Other threads are used to correct the jaw line.

All of these threads are notched, and upon entering the skin, in addition to the visible tissue tightening, they begin a process of rejuvenation.

Therefore, the combination of ultrasound and thread lift will produce a powerful dual effect of lifting and skin rejuvenation.